Tyranny Wiki

You can think of that kind of as like Judge Dredd, where you get to come in and bring your own brand of justice to the land. We're a Fatebinder, and with that are certain responsibilities. We need to be resolving disputes between the armies and people within this world, that's kind of a responsibility of ours.
~ Matthew Singh, Lead Producer

A Fatebinder is the judge and executioner of Kyros’ law, acting under the watchful eye of the Overlord's Archon of Justice, Tunon the Adjudicator. Words of a Fatebinder shape the lives of thousands and may justice inspire loyalty... or fear and cruelty. A Fatebinder’s word is law, and they decide the fate of the Tiers. Even the smallest of choices shape the land and its people. Tasked with making decisions that truly matter to the Tiers and to the factions of Kyros’ army, you will develop a reputation based upon your deeds—and you will find the world a drastically changed place each time you play Tyranny.

History[ | ]

The Fatebinders are a relatively young order, created two centuries before the present day to aid Tunon in adjudication.[1] We can infer that the Empire had grown too large for him to personally resolve all significant disputes.

Organization[ | ]

The Fatebinders serve a key role in Kyros’ vast Empire. While the Overlord’s rule is absolute, the Empire is too large for Kyros to directly control everyone, and broad authority and substantial autonomy is delegated to the Archons; some control places (e.g. provinces), others control people (e.g. armies, guilds). Archons are permitted to rule their domains in a manner of their choosing, but this creates clashes between Archons where those domains interact or intersect. Tunon the Adjudicator, Archon of Justice, is responsible for resolving these clashes, but the Empire is too large for him to personally oversee all of them, or even all of the significant disputes. The Fatebinders were created by Tunon the Adjudicator, Archon of Justice, to solve these problems.

Fatebinders, as servant of Tunon, have the duty to resolve disputes that arise between the different armies and mage guilds. They decide whose actions are best in line with Kyros’ laws, mediate where they can, and order punishments – and executions – where required. Any citizen in Kyros’ Empire can appeal to a Fatebinder for judgment, even if their problem doesn’t involve a dispute between factions. Doing so is dangerous, as a Fatebinder’s judgments cannot be appealed and some Binders deal harshly with those who bother them for trivial complaints.

Training[ | ]

Fatebinders are pulled from many disparate backgrounds with various skills, and are trained in just as diverse skillsets, with various senior Fatebinders, and Bleden Mark, serving as tutors. Most Fatebinders have learned the basics of most skills - stealth, weapons, armor, magic, persuasion, etc. - in addition to studying the Law and how to adjudicate it.[2] Within the specialty of magic, the overall approach is similar; the Fatebinders adopt any scrap that they can, to make their work easier. Other guilds, the Blood Chanters, for instance, sacrifice that flexibility for specialization.[3]

Links[ | ]

References[ | ]

  1. Nunoval: ""We are a relatively young order, though we have spanned these past two centuries. While the Voices of Nerat and Graven Ashe need armies to execute their will, Tunon wields but a modest court of vassals. We exist as the extension of his law. There is no place in all of Terratus beyond our judgment.""
  2. See Character creation.
  3. Fatebinder Calio, with Guild Apprentice character background. (This is the same approach as the Seven Trees Guild you were apprenticed to.)