Tyranny Wiki

Variah Kel is a character in Tyranny.

Background[ | ]

A woman in the makeshift armor of the Vendrien Guard lurches forward in agony. Her soiled, trembling legs suggest she has been forced to stand for days. Variah joined up out of folly, driven by pure passion. However, her capture by the Chorus and subsequent days-long torture resulted in a change of heart. She refuses to give up her bargaining chips, however, and just spill what she knows.

Interactions[ | ]

This character is involved in quests.

Taking the Outer Valley

  • Interrogating her is a part of the main quest. She professes to tell the truth, but as the Fatebinder, you know better.
    • With Athletics 20, you can intimidate her into telling the truth.
    • With Subterfuge 30, you can detect that she's lying.
    • Or you can threaten to feed her to Nerat, which will crack her open.
  • In any case, this will produce a ciphered missive from the body of her companion. You can then decide her fate:
    • You can let Fifth Eye slay her for the apparent lie;
    • Have him spare her and start an initiation rite This decision incurs wrathSymbol scarletchorus.
      • Make her a warrior and fight her other two comrades to the death;
      • An agent (gaining an insider) This decision incurs WrathSymbol vendrienguard. If the Fatebinder decides to join the rebels, she will give you a Nightwalker Coif when you next meet her at the Citadel Barracks. Otherwise, she'll help take out one opponent before being killed.
      • Or simply use her as a slave and pig chow. This decision grants FavorSymbol scarletchorus.

Inventory[ | ]
